Author: Jennifer Crakow

Jennifer Crakow is an interaction designer and creative director. She has been a consistent innovator in the field of application design for web, mobile devices, and television for clients including BBC, Bravo TV, Microsoft, and Samsung.

Following sixteen years in San Francisco, Jennifer now divides her time between the United Kingdom, Italy and Germany, where she serves as the Creative Director of Stuttgart studio amplify. A graduate of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Jennifer is the proud owner of two schnauzers, and an oil painting of Lancelot Link and Mata Hari.

Piazza Bodoni. Torino, Italy, 04/11.

Another day, another cloud-based service. Another day, another music service launches. Double-whammy, we get Amazon’s new music service, Cloud Player. Too little, too late. (More…)

Don’t let media emphasis on anarchist violence during London’s March 26th demonstrations fool you. The majority of protestors were middle class folks without any pretense to radical chic. There was also a significant number of elementary school children within their ranks. Like these two young kids, giving it to the British Prime Minister in Trafalgar Square.

“Free to choose, free to dream.” One of the best neighborhoods in Italy for flyers and graffiti. Rewind: make that Europe. Quartiere San Lorenzo, Rome. November, 2009.

Nobody produces stickers like the German left. The British school girl outfits are priceless. Friedrichshain, Berlin. July, 2010.

On the taxi ride from Malpensa this morning, I learned a little history of our neighborhood in Milan.  I asked the driver to take me to Piazzale Loreto. About 20 minutes into the ride, the driver filled me in on Loreto’s history, specifically regarding Mussolini’s execution, in April 1945. (More…)