Bilal Ahmed is a writer and activist. He is currently preparing for his dissertation, which will compare tribal structures, and state relati...
Most progressive periodicals emphasize words over images. Not Souciant. Randomizer is a column devoted to our love for political visu...
Mitchell Plitnick is the former Director of the US Office of B’Tselem and was previously the Director of Jewish Voice for Peace. He is a wi...
Charlie Bertsch is a teacher and writer living in Tucson, Arizona. A founding editor and regular contributor to one of the world’s first on...
Josh White is an associate editor at Souciant. A philosophy graduate, White wrote his thesis on Marx’s theory of history and internati...
Magadh is a teacher, writer, and musician based in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the co-editor of A Thousand Trivialities, a blog devoted to p...

Joel Schalit is the author of several books, including the critically-acclaimed Israel vs. Utopia, and Jerusalem Calling. Schalit has edited ...

Paul Mutter is a foreign policy blogger on leave from the NYU Arthur L. Carter Institute of Journalism. He contributes to PBS Tehran Bureau,...
Joe Lockard is an associate professor of English at Arizona State University, where he directs the Anti-slavery Literature Project. He is...
John Foster is a librarian, writer, and musician based in Cleveland, Ohio. When not writing or attending shows, he can usually be found cur...

Leshu Torchin is a Lecturer in Film Studies at the University of St Andrews, where she works on the subject of film and human rights advocacy....
Oliver Sheppard is a DJ, writer, sometime-musician, and otherwise professional luftmensch currently in Texas. He ran, the radio ...

Jennifer Crakow is an interaction designer and creative director. She has been a consistent innovator in the field of application design for ...
Keith Kahn-Harris is a London-based sociologist, teacher, writer and Jewish communal activist. He is the author of Extreme Metal: Music...

Ari Paul is a journalist in New York City and has covered politics for
the Nation, the Guardian, the Brooklyn Rail, VICE News, the New York...
Maxim Edwards is an Editorial Assistant at openDemocracy Russia. He has worked in Armenia and Tatarstan and writes on inter-ethnic...
When Patrick gets tired of working at his Waterloo, Belgium home, he either picks up a spade or goes to the airport. There’s always a cr...
We didn’t create it. We didn’t curate it. But we sure like it. Found sounds and criticism, courtesy of the Souciant Online Music Apprecia...
Anonymous is a Jewish educator who lives in northern Israel. He has taught at several Israeli and European universities, and has written nume...
Straight and to the point. Visual politics in the English-speaking world. A group column, by Souciant and friends.

Joe Glenton is a journalist covering war, defence and security. He was a British soldier for six years, serving in Afghanistan. He has written...
Yoni Kroll was born in Jerusalem and lives in Philadelphia. He spends most of his time perfecting his falafel recipe. He also enjoys going to...
Emanuel Stoakes is a UK-based independent journalist and researcher. His areas of interest are human rights, conflict resolution, social just...
Kim Nicolini is an artist, poet and cultural critic living in Tucson, Arizona. Her writing has appeared in Bad Subjects, Punk Planet, CounterP...
Paul Simon is pursuing a master’s degree in North American Studies at the University of Leipzig. He thinks America is the most entertai...
Mya Guarnieri is a Tel Aviv-based journalist and writer. She is a regular contributor to Al-Jazeera English, 972 Magazine, and The Huffin...
Missed the Gig is a group column. Consisting of photos of gig flyers from around the world, its purpose is to highlight the role that con...
Ron Nachmann is a writer, editor, and producer in San Francisco. He contributes to Dangerous Minds [] and has written...
TV Eye is a shared pseudonym for a revolving cast of Souciant editorial staff members. Politically complex television images are TV Eye’s sub...
Eric Swedlund is a writer, photographer and editor living in Tucson, Arizona. A former award-winning daily newspaper reporter, he specialize...
Tomasz Kitlinski is a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Marie Curie University, Lublin. He is an activist on behalf of l...
Helena is a graduate of the London School of Journalism. Her early career was as a television reporter for broadcasters such as Al-Jazeera, Ru...
Preethi Nallu is the managing editor of Refugees Deeply. Born in Iran and raised in India, she has reported on global displacement in a variet...
Cameron Macdonald is the news editor of the Elk Grove Citizen newspaper. He has also contributed music stories, interviews, and reviews to XL...
Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a German Jewish philosopher, best known as the founder of Communism.
Jimmy Chen lives in San Francisco. He also contributes at Htmlgiant, Thought Catalog, Bygone Bureau, and Splice Today. He is an Asian-Cana...
Dan Friedman is managing editor of the Forward. Among other venues he has written for the New York Times, the Financial Times, the Wall St...
Steven Rubio has been a fast-food employee, steelworker, student, and teacher, but his goal has always been to be retired. His blog, St...
Annia Ciezadlo is a Senior Editor at Syria Deeply. She has been living and reporting in the Middle East since 2003, focusing on the politic...
Zack Furness is Assistant Professor of Communications at Penn State Greater Allegheny. He is the author of One Less Car: Bicycling and...
Dan Glass is an award-winning activist, performer and writer. An educator from Training for Transformation born out of the Anti-Apart...
Hannah Schalit born in Jerusalem in 1924. When peace broke out after WWII, she studied speech and drama in London. When the State of Israel...
Mark Hahn studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the College of Creative Studies in Detroit. Currently a resident of Tuc...
Joanna Steinhardt is a freelance writer in the Bay Area. Recipient of a Master’s degree in Cultural Studies from Hebrew University, Steinh...
Danielle Sottosanti is a full-time journalist in New York City. Her work has appeared in FTfm (a Financial Times publication), Ignites, Fund...
Farah (a pen name) is a young Syrian woman who lives in Syria’s capital city Damascus with her family.
Courtney Utt is an award-winning visual designer and brand strategist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. The longtime chief book designer...
Sam Watt is from Glasgow, where he once upon a time studied philosophy. He is now based in Berlin, where he has been involved in various so...
Anahita Rouzbeh graduated from Cornell University. Her areas of research are urban collective memories, events and public space with concentra...
Raz Mesinai (Badawi, Sub Dub, ROIR Records) founded the Underground Producers Alliance, with a roster of mentors including HPrizm (Anti...
Shai Ginsburg teaches Israeli Cultural Studies at Duke University. He works on modern Jewish politics and ideologies ,and publishes on literat...
Shirin Barghi is an Iranian journalist, photographer and soon-to-be graduate of New York University. She has more than three years of journa...
Toronto’s Neil Wiernik has released music on Noise Factory, Paper+Sound (as NAW), on Elevation Recordings, and soon, on BlRR, for post-...
Matt Rubenstein is a classical pianist living in Berlin. He has recorded the works of modern German composers for Berlin Classics and the...
Kim Bode is the community editor of Syria Deeply and Refugees Deeply, working at the intersection of strategy, editorial and product. Born...
A.M. GITTLITZ is a Brooklyn based zinester, freelance journalist, fiction writer, and delivery boy. His work focuses on the topic...
Spencer Sunshine lives in Brooklyn and writes about anarchist intellectual history, as well as contemporary far Right and antisemitic politics...
Mel Plant is a student of Arabic and Turkish at SOAS, University of London. She is also editor-in-chief of The SOAS Spirit. Her research inter...
Arthur Neslen is the author of In your eyes a sandstorm (University of California Press, 2011) and Occupied Minds (Pluto, 2006.) He has worked...
Hashem Osseiran is the deputy managing editor of Syria Deeply. He has previously written for The Arab Weekly and The Daily Star, and...
Armen Georgian’s writing springs from his multiple identities; Russian, Armenian, British and European. Born in Moscow, he spent his forma...
Behzad Yaghmaian is a professor of political economy at Ramapo College of New Jersey. His books include Embracing the Infidel: Stories of Mu...
Alessandria is the managing editor of Syria Deeply. She is a native of Montreal, Canada and lives in Beirut.
Witold Pilecki was the founder of the Secret Polish Army (Tajna Armia Polska) resistance group in German-occupied Poland. He is the autho...
Ida Laura Pfeiffer (14 October 1797, Vienna – 27 October 1858, Vienna), was an Austrian traveler and travel book author. She was one of...
Helen Campbell (born Helen Stuart; July 5, 1839 – July 22, 1918) was a social reformer and pioneer in the field of home economics. She w...
David was born in Yorkshire to a Scottish mother and a Geordie father. At the age of seven, his family moved to London, where he now li...
Tate Williams is a freelance writer, editor and nonprofit fundraiser. After growing up in the suburbs of Phoenix, he attended the Universit...
Nauman Naqvi has a PhD in anthropology from Columbia University, and is an Assistant Professor in the founding faculty of the Habib Univer...
Vance Galloway is a media technician and musician based in Seattle, Washington. From running live sound for seminal clubs such as DC’s 9:30 ...
Eline Gordts is News Deeply’s Community Editor. She’s on Twitter at @elinegordts.
Dada Schling is a Queer activist, born and bred in East London to Jewish-Czech immigrants. She combines her nursing with a wide rang...
Holly Dagres is an Iranian American analyst and commentator on Middle East affairs. Currently living in Egypt, she is the assistant editor at...
Ahmad Zaza is a Syrian journalist based in Istanbul.
Dadabase is the pseudonym of a well-respected political analyst, whose work has appeared everywhere.
Paul Buhle’s latest books are comics: Bohemians and Abraham Lincoln for Beginners (January, 2015). He admits to having been Labor/M...
London Palestine Action is a network of people in London taking creative action against the Israeli military occupation, through direct act...
Byron H. Diel is the percussionist of Respectable Citizen. A paramedic at American Ambulance, he is currently studying chemistry at Fresno ...
Mark Hahn studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the College of Creative Studies in Detroit. Currently a resident of Tuc...
Brock is a teacher, tinkerer, and ex-phone phreak, based in London – though he is originally genuine Texas white trash. Now he brings home...
Anne Elizabeth Moore is a Fulbright scholar, artist, and the author of Unmarketable (New Press 2007) and Cambodian Grrrl: Self-Publishing in P...
Jacob Gould Schurman (May 22, 1854 – August 12, 1942) was a Canadian-born educator and diplomat, who served as President of Cornell Univer...
Cristina Roca is a freelance journalist based in Barcelona. Her work has appeared in Maclean’s, the National Post and other publications. Sh...
Arun Gupta is a founding editor of the Indypendent magazine and was a founding editor of the Occupy Wall Street Journal. He has been publi...
Mark Sussman is a writer and a doctoral candidate in English at the CUNY Graduate Center. He teaches American literature at Hunter College...
Mark LeVine is a professor of modern Middle Eastern history at the University of California at Irvine, is a distinguished visiting professo...
Herbert Strang was the pseudonym of two English authors, George Herbert Ely (1866–1958) and Charles James L’Estrange (1867–1947). ...
Nour Samaha is a freelance journalist based in Beirut. She has been covering the region for over a decade, and has reported from Lebanon, Sy...
Michael Brooks is a contributor and producer on the Majority Report, host of INTERSECTION on Aslan Media and his writing has appeared in...
Richard Anderson is a “user/customer experience” practice, management, and organizational strategy consultant, teacher, commentator,...
The Iraq Study group was a ten-person bipartisan panel appointed on March 15, 2006, by the United States Congress, that was charged with asses...
Steven Michels is associate professor of political science at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT and the author of The Case aga...
Marah (a pen name) is a teenage girl who lived in one of Syria’s besieged neighborhoods before fleeing the country in 2016. She now live...
Lewis Ransome Freeman (1878- 1960) was an American explorer, journalist and war correspondent who wrote over twenty books chronicling his ...
Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a German Jewish philosopher, best known as the founder of Communism. Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) was a Ge...
Editor, @AlBawaba_loop. Journalist with bylines in @AJEnglish, @AlMonitor, @SyriaDeeply, @refugeesdeeply & @The_NewArab.
Jalal Zein al-Deen is an independent Syrian journalist with a focus on the area of al-Raqqa.
Friedrich Engels was a German philosopher, social scientist, journalist and businessman. He is considered to be the co-founder of Marxist the...
Benito Mussolini was an Italian politician, journalist, and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling the country as Prime Minister from ...
Simon is the migration lawyer for the Open Society Justice Initiative. Based in London, he develops, implements and manages legal strategies...
No Pride in War is a coalition of LGBTQI+ and anti-war activists.
Paul Raymond is a freelance journalist based in London and reporting from across the MENA region, Turkey and Mali. His work has been publishe...
Irakowze is a fashion stylist living in Kampala, Uganda. He is seeking international protection and resettlement because of constant attacks...
Yasser Allawi is an independent Syrian journalist and reporter. His work has been featured on Al-Arabiya, Al-Jazeera and BBC. Jalal Zein al-...
Salil Shetty is secretary-general of Amnesty International.
Rami Aboud is a Syrian researcher and Journalist. His research focuses on the role of narratives in armed conflicts, divided urban spaces...
Jason Flores-Williams, attorney and author, runs his own legal practice doing landmark constitutional litigation while representing polit...
The Pentagon Papers was commissioned by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in 1967. In June 1971, portions of the report were leaked to...
Federica Marsi is a journalism graduate from City University of London. Preethi Nallu is the managing editor of Refugees Deeply.
Mohamad Bazzi is a journalism professor at New York University and former Middle East bureau chief at Newsday. He is writing a book on the p...
Abdulrahman al-Masri is a Syrian journalist and analyst who focuses on Middle East politics and security and foreign policy. He is also a fe...
Paul Currion is a consultant with particular interest in migration, technology and urban resilience. He has worked in a range of humanita...
Daniel Howden is a senior editor at News Deeply. A contributor to the Economist and the Guardian, he was previously the Africa correspondent...
Youmna al-Dimashqi is a Syria Deeply contributor. Hiba Dlewati is the Deputy Managing Editor for Syria Deeply.
Elie Schalit (1921-2015) was born and raised in Palestine. A commander in the pre-state Jewish military organization, the Haganah, Schalit h...
Arwa al-Basha is a freelance Syrian journalist.
Quincy Lee is an adventurous traveller and freelance writer. Specializing in science communication, he uses narratives to explain the phys...
Loubna Mrie is a Syrian activist and photojournalist. She is currently based in New York City, where she is a researcher on Syrian and Mi...
Ilaria Sesana is an Italian freelance journalist who specializes in migration stories. She can be found on Twitter @ilariasesana.
Housen Akoush is a Syrian journalist. Nawar Oliver is a military researcher and a military mapper and analyst at Omran Center, a think tank b...
Rhianna Louise manages Education and Outreach at ForcesWatch, a UK organisation that monitors and challenges militarisation and scrutinizes...
Francois Crepeau is the United Nations special rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, the Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer professor in pu...
Gaja Pellegrini-Bettoli is a freelance journalist based in Beirut. She has been a frequent guest on Italy’s Mediaset TV channels with commen...
Wladimir van Wilgenburg is an analyst of Kurdish politics for the Jamestown Foundation and a freelance journalist. He is currently reporting ...
Jeffery Farnol (10 February 1878 – 9 August 1952) was a British writer from 1907 until his death, known for writing more than 40 romance nov...
Charles Davis is a writer in Los Angeles who has reported from Central and South America for outlets such as Al-Jazeera, The Nation and The...
Anna Lekas Miller is an Istanbul-based journalist, and has been covering the refugee crisis for the past three years. Follow her on Twit...
Herbert Adams Gibbons was an American journalist who wrote about international politics and European colonialism during the early 20th century.
Charlotte Alfred is managing editor of Refugees Deeply. Previously, she was a reporter for The Huffington Post focused on Africa, wo...
Tom Rollins is a Cairo-based freelance journalist. His work has been published by the Independent, New Statesman, Vice, Mada Masr, Dazed &...
Apostolis Fotiadis is a journalist and writer focused on issues related to ethnic conflict, human rights, population movements and politics of...
Elise Baker is a researcher at Physicians for Human Rights and leads the Syria mapping project, which documents attacks on medical facilities...
The son of Charles Kaye, a solicitor, he was educated at Eton College and at the Royal Military College, Addiscombe. From 1832 to 1841 he wa...
Elena Cavallone is a freelance producer and media consultant at Euronews, based in Brussels.
D. H. Lawrence (11 September 1885 – 2 March 1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter.
Hiba Dlewati is a print and multimedia journalist from Damascus, Syria and the assistant managing editor of Syria Deeply. Born in Michigan...
Hiba Dlewati is a print and multimedia journalist from Damascus, Syria and the assistant managing editor of Syria Deeply. Born in Michigan...
Mike Cole is Professor in Education at the University of East London and author of New Development in Critical Race Theory in Educat...
Cory Rodgers is a DPhil student in Anthropology at the University of Oxford and has conducted research at Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre.
Rachel Wilson is an immigration lawyer in Tucson, Arizona. She is currently a Fulbright Scholar in Belgorod, Russia. You can follow he...
Joshua Goldfond is a recent graduate of NYU, where he wrote his Masters thesis on the role of online gaming in forging and maintai...
Journalist Rahaf Haboub grew up in Daraya, a Damascus suburb besieged by pro-government forces for more than three years. She and her family ...
Sergio Rueda is a Student Fellow at the Global Center for Advanced Studies. Rueda is the former Education Secretary of ACEU-Santander.
Arya Ghavamian is a photographer/filmmaker based in New York City. He has worked on several photography and video projects, among them are m...
Mari Bastashevski is a researcher, artist, and writer who works in Switzerland and France. Her study “State Business,” focuses on the conf...
Asher Kohn currently lives in Turkey, where he studies land use and disuse. He is also interested in design and failed pan-isms.
With degrees in international journalism and French-German relations, Kim works as a freelance writer and translator. She is always in pursui...
Kevin C. Moore is a lecturer in the Writing Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He earned a PhD in English from UCLA, wher...
Timothy Snyder is the Housum Professor of History at Yale University and
the author of Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning.
Bilal Ahmed is a writer and activist. He is currently preparing for his dissertation, which will compare tribal structures, and state relati...
Robert Schrem designs new products and services for established global firms, as well as small, highly innovative companies, for...
Mariah Brennan Clegg is a journalist based in Santa Barbara.
Ellie Karoubi is a law student at Queen Mary, University of London. She has a deep interest in research and critical analysis on various l...
Henry Roe is a teacher and translator who has been working in Georgia since 2011, and is particularly interested in the history and culture of...
Sadiq Habib is a graduate student at SOAS, University of London, studying Comparative Political Thought with a focus on Marxism and Ism...
Heather McRobie is a writer, an editor of Oxford Human Rights Hub and commissioning editor at openDemocracy 50.50. Her latest book, Lite...
Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828 – 1910), usually referred to in English as Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian novelist regarded as one of...
Theodore Leighton Pennell was a Christian missionary and doctor who lived among the tribes of Afghanistan. For his work in founding a missio...
Jonah Walters is a BA Candidate at NYU. He has twice received the Dean’s Award for Summer Research.
Sara Afzal is pursuing a master’s degree at New York University in Middle Eastern Studies and journalism. She has been a freelance writer...
Hassan Umer is a vocalist, filmmaker, and rock journalist currently based in Lahore. He sings with Multinational Corporations.
Jon Ginoli is best known as the singer, guitarist, and founder of pioneering gay rock band Pansy Division. He has also worked for record la...
Tomas Palermo is a DJ, producer, writer and music consultant based in San Francisco, California. He co-founded Voltage Music in 2000 with X...
Thomas Meluch (born August 4, 1984) is an American singer-songwriter,multi-instrumentalist, writer, and photographer, best known by his pseud...
Naut Humon, is an artist and producer based in San Francisco. The former artistic director of the late Asphodel label, he is credited ...
Gary Moskowitz blogs about music and other bits of culture for the New York Times and Intelligent Life, and has written for TIME Magazine and...
Louis Frankenthaler moved to Israel in 1995 and lives, with his family, in West Jerusalem. He is a doctoral student, doing research on young...
Peter Johannes Latterman was born 1974 in Landau / Pfalz, Germany. He’s lived in Berlin since 1999. Latterman likes things. Dislikes animals.
Taylor Briere is a student, teacher, writer and musician based in Taipei, Taiwan. His work appears regularly in the Taipei Times.
Joshua Trivialities, agnomen “Captain of Games”, is a rapidly aging hardcore enthusiast currently residing in the Pacific Northwest. He sh...
Joe Lockard is an associate professor of English at Arizona State University, where he directs the Anti-slavery Literature Project. To...
David Martinez is a writer, filmmaker and political activist based in San Francisco. His work is about everything from animated bird corpse...
Helena Ribeiro is a doctoral candidate at the CUNY Graduate Center and
an adjunct professor in New York City. She is currently working on her...
Ezra Ereckson, aka DJE3, is an artist and teacher based in Portland, Oregon. The former chief of BSI Records, Ereckson is a member of legen...
Jason Adams is a theorist working at the intersection of extra-parliamentary politics, new media and political/cultural movements. He is co-ed...
Tim O’Flaherty is a member of A Stillwater Satellite.
Tomasz Kitlinski is a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Marie C...
Felicia Campbell is a freelance writer working on her first book on Middle Eastern food culture. She conducted her graduate work in internati...
D. A. Baxter is the pseudonym of an Uzbek journalist, currently living in the US. He has witnessed multiple human rights abuses and social crises.
John Spargo (1876–1966) was an early biographer of Karl Marx. He was one of the leading public intellectuals affiliated with the Socialist P...
Sarah Stodder is a freelance journalist based in New York and San Francisco. She is currently pursuing an M.A. in Literary Reportage at NYU....
Kermit Roosevelt was the second son of President Theodore Roosevelt, and styled himself as an explorer and writer, in addition to an experie...
James Theodore Bent was an English explorer, archaeologist, and author, whose books were popular for their imperial slant. His wife Mabel w...
Ibn Khaldun was a North African Muslim historiographer and historian. His “Muqaddimah” (1377) is widely viewed as one of the earliest works in...
Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of Cromer was a British statesman, diplomat and colonial administrator. He was the British controller-general in E...
Charles Barnes Towns conducted experimentation with cures for alcoholism and drug addiction, and helped draft drug control legislation in...
Frantz Omar Fanon (French pronunciation was a Martinique-born Afro-Caribbean psychiatrist, philosopher, revolutionary, and writer whose works ...
Karolina Zbytniewska is Editor-in-Chief of EurActiv Poland.
Bilal Ahmed is an emerging scholar of religions and freelance journalist based in London. Dan Glass is an award-winning activist, performer...
J. C. Myers is Professor of Political Science at California State University, Stanislaus.
John Maynard Keynes was a renowned economist whose theories were largely shaped by his experience during the Paris peace conference, following...
Theodore Roosevelt was an American statesman, author, explorer, soldier, naturalist, and reformer who served as the 26th President of the Un...
Carson Frame is a freelance journalist based in New York City. She’s currently working toward her master’s in Literary Reportage at NYU. You...
Edward Bok (October 9, 1863 – January 9, 1930) was a Dutch-born American editor and Pulitzer Prize-winning author. He was editor of the Ladies...
Alexander Aaronson (Romania, 1888–Palestine, 1948) was an author and activist who wrote about the plight of people living in Palestine in...
Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus ( AD 56 – after 117) was a senator and a historian of the Roman Empire.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, (29 May 1874 – 14 June 1936) was an English writer, lay theologian, poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist, ora...
General Sir John Miller Adye GCB (1 November 1819 – 26 August 1900) was a British general and amateur artist.
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt (1840-1922) was an English poet and writer. Blunt was best known for his poetry, but also wrote a number of political ess...
Marmaduke Pickthall (Muhammad Marmaduke William Pickthall, 7 April 1875 – 19 May 1936) was a Western Islamic scholar noted for his Eng...
George Wyman Bury was a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. He died fighting Turkish forces in Egypt, in 1918. Bury was also a naturalist and adventurer.
George Frederick Abbott (born 1874, died 13 March 1947 at Tunbridge Wells) was an English war correspondent and author.
Giovanni Gentile (May 30, 1875 – April 15, 1944) was an Italian neo-Hegelian Idealist philosopher and politician He described himself as ‘...
Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, and 1951 to 1955. Before his career as a parliamentarian, he...
Isabella Lucy Bird married name Bishop (1831 – 1904) was a nineteenth-century English explorer, writer, photographer and naturalist. She was...
Edward Frederic Benson (24 July 1867 – 29 February 1940) was an English novelist, biographer, memoirist, archaeologist and short story wri...
Charles Godfrey Leland (August 15, 1824 – March 20, 1903) was an American humorist and folklorist, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Steiner (1866–1956) was a professor of Applied Christianity at Grinnell College, in Iowa. He was born to a well-to-do Jewish-Slovak-Hunga...
Charles Mudede—who writes about film, books, music, and his life in Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, the USA, and the UK for The Stranger—was born ne...
Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was a British writer and physician, most noted for his fictional stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes.
Morris J. MacGregor Jr. has written several studies for military publications including “Armed Forces Integration—Forced or Free?” in...

Philippe Nicolas is a visual designer and creative director. Based in Nantes, his clients include the New York Times, FIFA, UEFA, Ag...